VIDEO: TERORISTIČKI NAPAD Automobilom se zaletio u pješake na ulici, izrešetala ga policija

Napadač Palestinac je ozlijedio osam osoba od kojih su dvije u kritičnom stanju
Israeli police and rescue workers inspect on November 5, 2014 the car a Palestinian man used to deliberately rammed it into a crowd of pedestrians in Jerusalem. One person was killed and at least nine others wounded. Police described the incident as a "hit and run terror attack" and said it took place in the same area as a similar attack two weeks ago, in which a Palestinian rammed a car into a crowd killing a woman and a baby. AFP PHOTO/GALI TIBBON

JERUZALEM - Vozač automobila u srijedu se zabio u skupinu pješaka u prometnoj jeruzalemskoj ulici, a zatim izašao iz vozila i počeo napadati ljude metalnom šipkom sve dok ga nije ustrijelila i ubila policija koja je potvrdila da je riječ o palestinskom napadaču.

Napadač je ozlijedio osam osoba od kojih su dvije u kritičnu stanju. Bio je to drugi takav napad u dva tjedna u Svetome gradu u kojem Palestinci svakodnevno prosvjeduju zbog napetosti oko mjesta koja su sveta i muslimanima i židovima.

Napad se zbio u na željezničkoj postaji u ulici koja povezuje pretežito arapski Istočni Jeruzalem i susjednu četvrt nastanjenu ultraortodoksnim židovima, rekla je policija.

STRAH OD NOVE INTIFADE Jeruzalem: Sukobi policije i Palestinaca na Platou džamija

Palestinski vozač zabio se 22. listopada u pješake i usmrtio dvije osobe prije nego što ga je ubila izraelska policija. Za ovaj posljednji napad policija je rekla da je bio teroristički i da ga je očito počinio Palestinac iz Istočnog Jeruzalema.

Israeli police and rescue workers inspect on November 5, 2014 the car a Palestinian man used to deliberately rammed it into a crowd of pedestrians in Jerusalem. One person was killed and at least nine others wounded. Police described the incident as a "hit and run terror attack" and said it took place in the same area as a similar attack two weeks ago, in which a Palestinian rammed a car into a crowd killing a woman and a baby. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA

Ultra-orthodox Jews watch the scene on November 5, 2014 after a Palestinian rammed his vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians in Jerusalem. One person was killed and at least nine others wounded. Police described the incident as a "hit and run terror attack" and said it took place in the same area as a similar attack two weeks ago, in which a Palestinian rammed a car into a crowd killing a woman and a baby. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA

A religious Jewish man looks on November 5, 2014 at the site where a Palestinian deliberately rammed his car into a crowd of pedestrians in Jerusalem. One person was killed and at least nine others wounded. Police described the incident as a "hit and run terror attack" and said it took place in the same area as a similar attack two weeks ago, in which a Palestinian rammed a car into a crowd killing a woman and a baby. AFP PHOTO/GALI TIBBON

A Palestinian protester burns a tire during clashes with Israeli security officers in the Issawiya district of Arab east Jerusalem on October 24, 2014. Israel pledged a tough response to any further attacks in Jerusalem as police flooded flashpoint Arab neighbourhoods after a Palestinian rammed his car into a group of pedestrians and killed a baby. AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI

Israeli security officers run during clashes with Palestinian protesters in the Issawiya district of Arab east Jerusalem on October 24, 2014. Israel pledged a tough response to any further attacks in Jerusalem as police flooded flashpoint Arab neighbourhoods after a Palestinian rammed his car into a group of pedestrians and killed a baby. AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI

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06. listopad 2024 03:47