OČAJNIČKI ČIN ČOVJEKA KOJI JE IZGUBIO SVE Autom se zaletio u sjedište vladajuće stranke

Spanish police block the entrance of Genova street close to the Spanish Popular Party's headquarters after a man runned his car with two gas cylinders into the political party's building, in Madrid on December 19, 2014. The area in central Madrid was shut off by police as bomb disposal experts examine the car, and the driver, a Spanish buisnessman was arrested, no one was injured. AFP PHOTO/ GERARD JULIEN

MADRID - Očajan vlasnik tvrtke uhićen je u petak ujutro nakon što se automobilom opremljenim s dvije plinske boce koje nisu eksplodirale zaletio u sjedište španjolske vladajuće Narodne stranke u Madridu, objavila je policija.

"Jedan se muškarac zabio automobilom u pročelje sjedišta Narodne stranke u Madridu, u Ulici Genova. U vozilu su bile dvije boce butana i eksplozivna naprava" koja nije eksplodirala, izjavila je glasnogovornica madridske policije. "Nitko nije ozlijeđen", dodala je ona.

"Muškarac je bio vlasnik tvrtke koji je sve izgubio", naglasila je ona.

Sjedište stranke šefa vlade Mariana Rajoya opkolila je policija.

Spanish policemen and firefighters stand at the entrance of Genova street close to the Spanish Popular Party's headquarters after a man runned his car with two gas cylinders into the political party's building, in Madrid on December 19, 2014. The area in central Madrid was shut off by police as bomb disposal experts examine the car, and the driver, a Spanish buisnessman was arrested, no one was injured. AFP PHOTO/ GERARD JULIEN

Spanish policemen and officials stand past the robot and vans of bomb disposal experts in Genova street close to the Spanish Popular Party's headquarters after a man runned his car with two gas cylinders into the political party's building, in Madrid on December 19, 2014. The area in central Madrid was shut off by police as bomb disposal experts examine the car, and the driver, a Spanish buisnessman was arrested, no one was injured. AFP PHOTO/ GERARD JULIEN

Spanish police block the entrance of Genova street close to the Spanish Popular Party's headquarters after a man runned his car with two gas cylinders into the political party's building, in Madrid on December 19, 2014. The area in central Madrid was shut off by police as bomb disposal experts examine the car, and the driver, a Spanish buisnessman was arrested, no one was injured. AFP PHOTO/ GERARD JULIEN

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