U NAJPOZNATIJEM NJUJORŠKOM PARKU NIČE BOLNICA 'Nadam se da će biti operativna za 48 sati i moći početi primati pacijente. Drugima treba pomoć'

 Kena Betancur / AFP

U New Yorku u Central Parku traje podizanje poljske bolnice koja će primati oboljele od koronavirusa, piše u nedjelju agencija France presse.

Više desetaka osoba radilo je u nedjelju na travnjaku East Meadow, jednom od velikih igrališta slavnog njujorškog parka.

To mjesto je izabrano jer se nalazi blizu jedne od bolnica.

Workers set up a camp in front of Mount Sinai West Hospital inside Central Park on March 29, 2020 in New York City. - A senior US scientist issued a cautious prediction March 29, 2020 that the novel coronavirus could claim 100,000 to 200,000 lives in the United States. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads research into infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told CNN that models predicting a million or more deaths were
Kena Betancur / AFP

Bolnicu podiže Samaritan's Purse, evangelička humanitarna organizacija iz Sjeverne Karoline, koja je poslala šezdesetak osoba i koordinira svoje djelovanje s guvernerom države New York, Andrewom Cuomom, američkom agencijom za upravljenje u hitnim situacijama (FEMA) i tvrtkom Mount Sinai.

"Nadam se da će bolnica biti operativna za 48 sati i moći početi primati pacijente", rekao je koordinator tima Elliot Tenpenny.

Workers set up a camp in front of Mount Sinai West Hospital inside Central Park on March 29, 2020 in New York City. - A senior US scientist issued a cautious prediction March 29, 2020 that the novel coronavirus could claim 100,000 to 200,000 lives in the United States. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads research into infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told CNN that models predicting a million or more deaths were
Kena Betancur / AFP
Workers set up a camp in front of Mount Sinai West Hospital inside Central Park on March 29, 2020 in New York City. - A senior US scientist issued a cautious prediction March 29, 2020 that the novel coronavirus could claim 100,000 to 200,000 lives in the United States. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads research into infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told CNN that models predicting a million or more deaths were
Kena Betancur / AFP

Poljska bolnica će imati kapacitet za 68 osoba, te na raspolaganju opremu i osoblje potrebne za prihvat oboljelih od koronavirusa.

Osim logističke ekipe za tu bolnicu, Samaritan's Purse će također tamo uputiti liječnike i medicinske sestre.

Workers set up a camp in front of Mount Sinai West Hospital inside Central Park on March 29, 2020 in New York City. - A senior US scientist issued a cautious prediction March 29, 2020 that the novel coronavirus could claim 100,000 to 200,000 lives in the United States. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads research into infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told CNN that models predicting a million or more deaths were
Kena Betancur / AFP
A woman jogs by Central Park as workers set up a camp in front of Mount Sinai West Hospital on March 29, 2020 in New York City. - A senior US scientist issued a cautious prediction March 29, 2020 that the novel coronavirus could claim 100,000 to 200,000 lives in the United States. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads research into infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told CNN that models predicting a million or more deaths were
Kena Betancur / AFP

Ta organizacija je već postavila jednu od takvih privremenih bolnica u Cremoni, na sjeveru Italije, također za oboljele od koronavirusa, rekao je Tenpenny.

Guverner Cuomo je objavio u nedjelju da država New York sada ima 59.513 oboljelih i 965 umrlih, pa je daleko najzahvaćenija savezna država u zemlji.

"Bolnice se pune u cijelom gradu i treba im pomoć. Zato smo ovdje", naglasio je liječnik organizacije koja je već ima iskustva u područjima sukoba i prirodnih katastrofa.

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06. listopad 2024 19:28