TAJFUN HAGUPIT UZIMA DANAK Vjetar brži od 200 km/h natjerao preko milijun ljudi na evakuaciju

Residents walk past high waves brought about by strong winds as it pound the seawall, hours before Typhoon Hagupit passes near the city of Legazpi on December 7, 2014. Typhoon Hagupit tore apart homes and sent waves crashing through coastal communities across the eastern Philippines, creating more misery for millions following a barrage of deadly disasters. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE

LEGASPI - Tajfun Hagupit, najsnažniji koji je pogodio Filipine ove godine, u nedjelju je harao istokom arhipelaga, uz jaku kišu i vjetar jačine više od 200 kilometara na sat koji je trgao krovove, električne kablove i drveće.

Najmanje tri osobe poginule su a dvije ozlijeđene kako se tajfun kretao istočnim i središnjim dijelom Filipina. Evakuirano je milijun i 200 tisuća ljudi.

Žena od 75 godina utopila se u gradu Catarmanu u pokrajini Northern Samar gdje je tajfun Hagupit prvo stigao do kopna.

Djevojka je preminula od visoke temperature u centru za evakuaciju u pokrajini Iloilo dok je još jedna osoba poginula u centralnoj pokrajini Cebu.

Dvije osobe ozlijeđene su u obližnjoj pokrajini Negros Oriental kad je na njihov tricikl palo stablo.

VIDEO: Snimka s Međunarodne svemirske stanice

Oluja koja je došla s Tihog oceana počela je udarati na ribarska sela otoka Samar u subotu navečer a trebala bi zahvatiti više od polovice arhipelaga, među kojima središnja i istočna područja već opustošena prije godinu dana u super-tajfunu Haiyan.

Residents walk past high waves brought about by strong winds as it pound the seawall, hours before Typhoon Hagupit passes near the city of Legazpi on December 7, 2014. Typhoon Hagupit tore apart homes and sent waves crashing through coastal communities across the eastern Philippines, creating more misery for millions following a barrage of deadly disasters. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE


"Brojne kuće, posebno na obali, odnio je snažan vjetar", kazala je Stephany Uy-Tan, gradonačelnica Catbalogana, velikog grada u Samaru.

Residents living along the coastal areas take shelter in an unfinished building hours before Typhoon Hagupit passes near the city of Legazpi on December 7, 2014. Typhoon Hagupit tore apart homes and sent waves crashing through coastal communities across the eastern Philippines, creating more misery for millions following a barrage of deadly disasters. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE

"Stabla i električne žice su na tlu, krovovi iščupani te bilježimo poplave", dodala je ona.

High waves brought about by strong winds pound a fishport building, hours before Typhoon Hagupit passes near the city of Legazpi on December 7, 2014. Typhoon Hagupit tore apart homes and sent waves crashing through coastal communities across the eastern Philippines, creating more misery for millions following a barrage of deadly disasters. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE


Tajfun je u dijelovima arhipelaga već izavao i poplave.

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05. listopad 2024 12:41