Proruski separatisti srušili MIG-29

Smoke billows from the flaming debris of a crashed Ukrainian fighter jet near the village of Zhdanivka, some 40 kilometres northeast of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, on August 7, 2014. A Ukranian fighter jet tumbled to earth in a fireball after it was blasted out of the air while flying low over rebel-held territory in the east of the country. An AFP crew saw the Sukhoi warplane explode in mid-air and the parachute of at least one pilot opening up in the clear blue sky. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF

KIJEV - Proruski separatisti srušili su borbeni zrakoplov Mig-29 u regiji Jenakijevo u istočnoj Ukrajini, rekao je vojni glasnogovornik.

Pilot se uspio spasiti nakon što je usmjerio zrakoplov na nenaseljeno područje.

Smoke billows from a Ukranian fighter jet crash site near the village of Zhdanivka, some 40 kilometers to the northeast of the rebel stronghold Donetsk on August 7, 2014. A Ukranian fighter jet tumbled to earth in a fireball after it was blasted out of the air while flying low over rebel-held territory in the east of the country. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF

Zrakoplov je srušen blizu mjesta Ždanivka, nedaleko od lokacije gdje je 17. srpnja srušen zrakoplov Malaysia Airlinesa.

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15. rujan 2024 23:17