JESU LI OVO NAJHRABRIJE FOTOGRAFIJE S VJENČANJA IKAD? Par se uzeo na Mount Everestu, a da bi uspjeli u svom naumu, morali su proći kroz...


Svi mladenci žele da njihovo vjenčanje bude lijepo, a fotografije s događaja uspomena su za cijeli život. Bilo zbog mega popularnih društvenih mreža ili jednostavno zasićenja tradicionalnim, potražnja za posebnim, unikatnim i neobičnim vjenčanim fotografijama veća je nego ikad.

No, između posebnog i gotovo nestvarnog ipak postoji razlika, a to pokazuje primjer Jamesa Sissoma i Ashley Schmeider, kalifornijskog para koji je svoju ljubav odlučio okruniti ni manje ni više nego na Mount Everestu.

Can I say thank you to everyone. Our Mount Everest adventure wedding has become much bigger than I'd ever thought originally in 2012. It has virally captured national and international headlines, so much that my website has crashed earlier today with an overload of people visiting, but it's back up now. This continuing story is trending in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other regions, my phone and email have been buzzing non-stop, we have interviews scheduled, even going Live in Australia's top rated talk show on the weekend. . I have been contacted by TLC Say yes to the Dress show for a possible show. If you Google this wedding, you'll see coverage, even ESPN chimed in. Anyway, thank you everyone for the encouragement and support. I can't read nor respond to many of the emails, posts, messages, etc., but I do appreciate you all, and James and Ashley especially recognize your support. They cherish all your stories and comments. If you have any stories where you hear this wedding mentioned, please do share, tag us on Facebook or instagram. . You can also visit our new YouTube channel we just set up to watch our videos of behind the scenes. We will be posting more. www.youtube.com/charletonchurchill . . #mteverestwedding #adventureawaits #adventurethatislife #adventurewedding #stayandwander #exploremore #weddingphotos #weddingphotography #keepitwild #getlost #visualsgang #destinationwedding #adventurous #junebugweddings #bridalfashion #weddingphotographer #finditliveit #getoutdoors #getoutstayout #hikerslife #theoutbound #brides #goplaces #adventurevisuals #choosemountains #charletonchurchillphotography #visualsoflife #weddinginspo #everestbasecamp #mteverest

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Kako bi se popeli do baznog kampa koji se nalazi na 5,180 metara nadmorske visine, paru i hrabrom fotografu Charltonu Churchillu trebalo je čak tri tjedna.

Churchill je inače specijaliziran za fotografiranje avanturističkih vjenčanja, i već mu je posljednjih nekoliko godina velika želja bila fotografirati vjenčanje upravo na Mount Everestu. Dodatno uzbuđenje na samu pomisao stvarala mu je činjenica da to nitko ranije nije napravio, pa kad mu se lani na Instagramu javila Ashley, buduća mladenka željna avanturističkog vjenčanja, Charleton joj je predložio Mount Everest.

Here's a behind-the-scenes shot while shooting James and Ashley Schmieder after they saw each other for the first time in wedding attire around 4 degrees Fahrenheit, up near 17,500 feet, near Kala Patar, day before base camp. (Mt. Everest is the darker mountain in the back on the right with the cloud cover). . Tomorrow I'm posting on the blog the actual wedding images. . #mteverestwedding #adventureawaits #adventurethatislife #adventurewedding #stayandwander #exploremore #weddingphotos #weddingphotography #keepitwild #getlost #visualsgang #destinationwedding #adventurous #elopement #thegreatoutdoors #outsidemagazine #finditliveit #getoutdoors #getoutstayout #hikerslife #theoutbound #himalayas #goplaces #adventurevisuals #choosemountains #charletonchurchillphotography #visualsoflife #weddinginspo #everestbasecamp #mteverest

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Ashley i James su pozdravili njegovu ideju, a simpatična je informacija da su prvotno razmišljali o tropskom vjenčanju. Umjesto vrućine, dočekale su ih temperature od otprilike -22 do stupnja Celzijeva.

I dok se većina mladenki uređuje danima, Ashley je po dolasku u bazni kamp rečeno da ima točno sat i pol vremena da objeduju, urede se, spakiraju, krenu na helikopter do vrha, vjenčaju se i vrate.

Usprkos lošem vremenu koje ih je tri tjedna pratilo, ozeblinama koje se povremeno zadobivali i visinskoj bolesti koja ih je zatekla, Ashley i James imaju fotografije s najljepšom pozadinom ikada, onom na kojoj se propinje nepalska planina Nuptse.

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29. rujan 2024 15:31