FOTO: VELIKO OTKRIĆE PODNO CRKVE U SREDIŠTU MADRIDA Pronađeni posmrtni ostaci slavnog Cervantesa

This handout picture released on January 26, 2014 by Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi shows people sifting through material discovered in a crypt that could help to confirm the final resting place of the autor of "Don Quixote" the late Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes at the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians in Madrid. Scientists used infrared cameras, 3D scanners and a ground-penetrating radar last year to pinpoint the five areas at the church of the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians where human remains -- possibly including those of Cervantes -- are thought to lie. RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS AFP PHOTO/ HO/ Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi

MADRID - Posmrtni ostaci slavnog španjolskog pisca Miguela Cervantesa autora „Don Quijotea“ pronađeni su gotovo 400 godina nakon njegove smrti podno crkve u središtu Madrida.

Forenzičari vjeruju da su otkrili kosti Cervantesa i njegove supruge u zaboravljenoj grobnici podno crkve Trinitarias, iako upozoravaju da nedostaje DNA test.

„Uvjereni smo da imamo nešto, da se među fragmentima kostiju nalaze ostaci Cervantesa“, izjavio je Francisco Etxebarria, forenzičar i voditelj istraživačkog tima.

Španjolski pisac je pokopan 1616. no njegov lijes je kasnije izgubljen. Tadašnji samostan, gdje je položen lijes, obnovljen je krajem 17. stoljeća pri čemu su ostaci premješteni na nepoznato mjesto i otkriveni tek sada nakon četiri stoljeća.

This handout picture released on January 26, 2014 by Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi shows corroded metal pieces, rotten wood fragments and a board with the initials MC that could help to confirm the final resting place of the autor of "Don Quixote" the late Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes at the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians in Madrid. Scientists used infrared cameras, 3D scanners and a ground-penetrating radar last year to pinpoint the five areas at the church of the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians where human remains -- possibly including those of Cervantes -- are thought to lie. RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/ Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS AFP PHOTO/ HO/ Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi

Foto: AFP

Tim od 30 istraživača je, u zaboravljenoj kripti ispod crkve, koristio ultracrvene kamere, 3D skenere i posebne radare.

Forenzičarka Almudena Garcia Rubio kaže: „Ostaci su u lošem stanju pa ne možemo individualno identificirati Cervantesa. No na temelju povijesnih zapisa sigurni smo da su ovdje njegovi ostaci“.

U grobnici su otkrili kosti odraslih ljudi, grupe s kojom je Cervantes bio pokopan u 68. godini života sa samo šest zubi.

„Umro je kao siromašan čovjek. Kao ratni veteran s ranama“, kaže Pedro Corral, voditelj ureda za umjetnost i turizam u gradskoj vijećnici.

(L to R) Delegate of the Arts, Sports and Tourism of Madrid Pedro Corral, Madrid's mayor Ana Botella and forensic anthropologist Francisco Etxeberria pose before the presentation of the second phase report of the writer Miguel de Cervantes's burial investigation on March 17, 2015 in Madrid. Spain today unearthed the apparent remains of Cervantes in Madrid nearly 400 years after his death. Etxeberria said that after a year-long search his team had positively identified in an alcove in the Barefoot Trinitarians convent crypt "some fragments" of the "Don Quixote" author who died in 1616 a week after William Shakespeare. AFP PHOTO / GERARD JULIEN

Foto: AFP

Cervantes je ranjen u pomorskoj bitci kod Lepanta 1571. u kojoj je kršćanska flota nanijela poraz Osmanskom carstvu. Njega su zarobili gusari te je pet godina proveo u ropstvu u Alžiru.

Nakon povratka u Španjolsku, 30 godina kasnije, napisao je roman „Bistri vitez don Quijote od La Manche“ u kojem srednjovjekovni vitez pun ideala odlazi u tada moderni, renesansni svijet oživjeti viteštvo.

Cervantes je htio biti pokopan u samostanu Trinitarias, čiji je red platio otkupninu gusarima nakon čega je oslobođen.

This handout picture released on March 17, 2015 by Sociedad de Ciencia Aranzadi shows an archeological reduction, with remains of a minimun of 15 individuals being ten of them adults and five children, that could include the remains of Spanish literary giant Miguel de Cervantes at the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians in Madrid. Spain today unearthed the apparent remains of Cervantes in Madrid nearly 400 years after his death. Forensic anthropologist Francisco Etxeberria said that after a year-long search his team had positively identified in an alcove in a convent crypt "some fragments" of the "Don Quixote" author who died in 1616 a week after William Shakespeare.AFP PHOTO / SOCIEDAD DE CIENCIA ARANZADI / J. BALAGUER RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / SOCIEDAD DE CIENCIA ARANZADI / J. BALAGUER " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

Foto: AFP

„Htio je biti pokopan ovdje te će njegovi ostaci ovdje i ostati“, kaže istraživač Luis Avial. „Bit će ponovno pokopan sa svim počastima“, ističe.

Iduće godine, na 400. obljetnicu njegove smrti, grobnica će biti otvorena za posjetitelje. U međuvremenu, s Trga Španjolske, u samom centru Madrida, spomenik hrabrom vitezu Don Quijoteu gleda u daljinu s podignutim kopljem, a učenici diljem svijeta čitaju o njegovim pustolovinama održavajući ga na životu.

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24. rujan 2024 22:26