FOTO: SMRTNA KAZNA ZA ZVJERSKE UBOJICE Pretukli ženu, pregazili ju automobilom, pa zapalili

Afghan artists on April 27, 2015 perform a role play to depict the lynching of Afghan woman Farkhunda, 27, who was attacked by an angry mob, in Kabul. Farkhunda was beaten with sticks and stones, thrown from a roof, before being run over by a car outside a mosque in Kabul on March 19. The mob then set her body ablaze and dumped it in a river as police allegedly looked on. AFP PHOTO / SHAH Marai

Četiri muškarca iz Afganistana osuđena su na smrtnu kaznu nakon što su napali ženu i pretukli ju do smrti.

Naime, 28-godišnja Farkhunda optužena je da je spalila Kuran, iako su svjedoci tvrdili kako to nije istina.

Trebala su samo četiri dana da se presuda donese. Još osmorica muškaraca osuđeni su na 16 godina zatvora, a 18 ih je proglašeno nevinim.

Suspects stand before a judge during a primary court trial in Kabul on May 2, 2015. The first trial of 49 suspects, including 19 police officers, on charges relating to the mob killing of an Afghan woman began in Kabul on May 2 and is expected to continue for two days. The suspects all face charges relating to the March 19 killing of a 27-year-old woman, Farkhunda. AFP PHOTO / Wakil Kohsar

Foto: AFP

Nakon incidenta na noge su ustali mnogi prosvjednici boreći se protiv lošeg tretiranja žena.

Devetnaest policajaca, osumnjičenih da nisu valjano vršili svoju dužnost i spriječili napad, još uvijek čeka odluku suda koja će biti donesena u nedjelju.

Stravičan napad koji se dogodio 19. ožujka šokirao je mnoge stanovnike Afganistana.

An Afghan security personnel handcuffs a suspect at close of daily proceedings at the Primary Court trial in Kabul on May 2, 2015. The first trial of 49 suspects, including 19 police officers, on charges relating to the mob killing of an Afghan woman began in Kabul on May 2 and is expected to continue for two days. The suspects all face charges relating to the March 19 killing of a 27-year-old woman, Farkhunda. AFP PHOTO / Wakil Kohsar

Foto: AFP

Farkhunda je nasmrt premlaćena, a onda su njezino tijelo pregazili automobilom, vukli ga ulicama, a na posljetku i zapalili.

Djevojka se prepirala s mulom, odnosno vjerskim učiteljem, o njegovom prodavanju amajlija ženama u poznatom svetištu Shah-Du-Shamshaira kraj predsjedničke palače i glavne tržnice u Kabulu.

An Afghan security personnel escorts suspects at close of daily proceedings at the Primary Court trial in Kabul on May 2, 2015. The first trial of 49 suspects, including 19 police officers, on charges relating to the mob killing of an Afghan woman began in Kabul on May 2 and is expected to continue for two days. The suspects all face charges relating to the March 19 killing of a 27-year-old woman, Farkhunda. AFP PHOTO / Wakil Kohsar

Foto: AFP

Prilikom svađe Farkhunda je optužena da je spalila Kuran, a gomila je navalila na nju i počela ju tući.

U izjavama pročitanim na sudu, neki su od optuženih priznali da su odreagirali na same riječi. Službeni istražitelj kazao je kako ne postoji dokaz da je djevojka spalila Kuran.

Afghan security personnel escort suspects at close of daily proceedings at the Primary Court trial in Kabul on May 2, 2015. The first trial of 49 suspects, including 19 police officers, on charges relating to the mob killing of an Afghan woman began in Kabul on May 2 and is expected to continue for two days. The suspects all face charges relating to the March 19 killing of a 27-year-old woman, Farkhunda. AFP PHOTO / Wakil Kohsar

Foto: AFP

Strani mediji pišu kako je, iako je Afganistan zemlja u kojoj su životi žena često podcijenjeni, ubojstvo Farkhunde dovelo do masovnog osuđivanja od strane drugih Afganistanaca.

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21. rujan 2024 22:21