FOTO: NEPLUTAJUĆI MATERIJAL Turska policija zaplijenila tisuću lažnih prsluka iz tvornice u glavnoj luci za krijumčarenje izbjeglica

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY People take pictures as the body of a migrant lies on the shore in the Aegean coastal town of Ayvalik, Turkey January 5, 2016.Turkish authorities said they found the bodies of 27 migrants, at least three of them children, at two separate locations on the Aegean coast on Tuesday after a migrant boat apparently capsized as it tried to reach the Greek island of Lesbos. REUTERS/Cihan News Agency NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY. TEMPLATE OUT

Turska policija razotkrila je tvornicu koja je proizvodila lažne prsluke za spašavanje koji su napunjeni s neplutajućim materijalom.

Više od 1200 takvih prsluka zaplijenili su iz prodavaonice u Izmiru, velikoj luci na turskoj obali iz koje se krijumčari velik broj izbjeglica preko Egejskog mora do Grčke.

U toj je ilegalnoj trgovini radilo i dvoje djece iz Sirije, izvijestio je AFP.

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY People take pictures as the body of a migrant lies on the shore in the Aegean coastal town of Ayvalik, Turkey January 5, 2016.Turkish authorities said they found the bodies of 27 migrants, at least three of them children, at two separate locations on the Aegean coast on Tuesday after a migrant boat apparently capsized as it tried to reach the Greek island of Lesbos. REUTERS/Cihan News Agency NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY. TEMPLATE OUT

Foto: Reuters

Racija se dogodila nakon što su ranije ovog tjedna na obali gradova Ayvalik i Dikili pronađena 34 beživotna tijela izbjeglica koje je ispralo more.

Utopili su se pri pokušaju da dospiju na grčko tlo. Neki od njih imali su prsluke za spašavanje, što je izazvalo sumnju u njihovu ispravnost.

Britanski Guardian još u studenom je izvijestio o krijumčarenju u tom gradu.

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY The body of a migrant lies on the shore in the Aegean coastal town of Ayvalik, Turkey January 5, 2016. Turkey's gendarmerie said it found the bodies of 21 migrants, three of them children, at two separate locations on the Aegean coast on Tuesday after their boat apparently capsized as they tried to reach the Greek island of Lesbos. Eleven of the bodies were discovered on the shoreline in the district of Ayvalik, while ten others were found in the district of Dikili, a gendarmerie official in the local headquarters told Reuters. REUTERS/Cihan News Agency NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY. TEMPLATE OUT

Foto: Reuters

- Prodajemo samo dva ili tri para cipela dnevno - kazao je jedan trgovac pa dodao: 'No, zato još uvijek prodajemo između 100 i 300 pojasa. Ljetos se ta brojka vrtila oko 1000. Tvornice to nisu mogle pratiti.

U Turskoj se nalazi više izbjeglica iz Sirije nego u ijednoj drugoj zemlji na svijetu - tamo ih je oko 2,2 milijuna.

Od 2014. godine policija je uhitila više od 200 glavnih krijumčara.

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21. rujan 2024 10:24