Preljub će ga skupo koštati: Tigerova žena traži 750 milijuna dolara

(FILES) US team member Tiger Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren talk on the golf course at the Presidents Cup golf compeititon in this October 11, 2009 file photo at Harding Park Golf course in San Francisco, California. A nightclub hostess said by US tabloids to have been having a fling with golf star Tiger Woods ahead of his mysterious car crash said on December 1, 2009 that the story was no truer than "aliens on Earth." "It's the most ridiculous story. It's like they are asking me to comment if there are aliens on Earth," Rachel Uchitel told the New York Post daily. The Enquirer and Star gossip tabloids have reported that Woods was having an affair with Uchitel and that the dalliance prompted a violent dispute between the megastar and his wife, leading to Friday's car accident. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck

ZAGREB - Zahtjevi Elin Nordegren u pregovorima oko mogućeg sporazumnog razvoda od Tigera Woodsa dramatično su narasli. Prema pisanju Chicago Sun-Timesa, Woodsova žena traži skrbništvo nad djecom i čak 750 milijuna dolara. Riječ je o jednoj od najvećih odštetacza propali brak neke slavne osobe u povijesti, što neki smatraju prevelikom cijenom koju će slavni golfer platiti za svoje preljube .

Par navodno više uopće ne razgovara, a Elin mu se odlučila osvetiti. Zbog toga, prema pisanju Sun-Timesa, Tiger traži klauzulu povjerljivosti, odnosno cjeloživotnu zabranu iznošenja informacija o njihovom braku.

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