MOŽE LI BIZARNIJE? Celebrity mame potpuno se raspametile novim trendom... Znate li što je 'brelfie'?

Poznate majke pokrenule su novi trend na društvenim mrežama. Tema koja uvijek pokreće žustre rasprave, dojenje u javnosti, ponovno je došla u centar pozornosti. Naime, sve više celebrity mama fotografira se dok doji, a onda te fotografije objavljuju na Instagramu i Facebooku. Ovaj oblike selfija nazvale su - brelfie.

Je li dojenje nešto što treba raditi daleko od očiju javnosti ili se ne treba sramiti? U svakom slučaju slavne majke toga se niti najmanje ne srame. Većina ih ističe kako samo hrane svoju djecu i kako se nemaju čega stidjeti.

#notgoldenglobes #mykidsuckinonagoldenglobetho

Fotografiju objavljuje Brooklyn Decker (@brooklyndecker) Sij 10, 2016 u 8:49 PST

#Switzerland !!!!!

Fotografiju objavljuje Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) Srp 25, 2014 u 5:02 PDT

Karolina Kurkova, Alanis Morisette, Miranda Kerr, Alyssa Milano samo su neke od mama koje na svojem profilu objavljuju fotografije dojenja. Tamara Ecclestone vrlo je glasna pobornica dojenja općenito, pa tako i u javnosti. Ona svoju dvogodišnju djevojčicu još uvijek doji i to često ponosno ističe.

Just finished reading a rather bitchy article courtesy of @helenkirwantaylor at @femail - there is something very wrong with women that tear each other down instead of building each other up especially when it comes to something as important a subject as breastfeeding. We should all be encouraging those that do want to breast feed and making it easier for them. I personally am very proud of the fact that I feed my two year old daughter on demand and will do so for as long as she wants to, its a decision only she can make when she is ready to wean. In the mean time I feel very comfortable with the fact that I am meeting all her needs and she is a very secure little girl as a result. We should all raise our children how we feel as mothers is best whether that be to breast feed bottle feed co sleep put your baby in a cot. I am sure we all have opinions on these matters as I have learned when it comes to raising your child everyone seems to have an opinion. But what I will never understand is pointless articles designed to take away from mums that are doing an amazing job nurturing and breast feeding their babies. Sadly when I scroll through my Instagram feed I see mainly pouts and bikini pics and a lot more breast then shown when a mum is feeding her baby there has to be something wrong with that. Fortunately I will never ever be ashamed to feed my daughter wherever and whenever she is hungry or needs comfort but it's such a shame for other mums that are perhaps less secure in doing so. A lady approached me on holiday and told me she was wished she was comfortable enough to feed her baby by the pool it made me so sad to hear that. It is the most natural thing in the world and articles like today's are not only unhelpful they are catty and unnecessary. As for the pictures in question two of the three were taken by my husband not by someone on the payroll as suggested my posting them has nothing at all to do with showing off and everything to do with posting an image that I like and am proud of and to me is beautiful. Not sure what I am meant to be showing off its certainly not my less than perfect boobs after two year of breastfeeding and going strong.

Fotografiju objavljuje Tamara Ecclestone Rutland (@tamaraecclestoneofficial) Tra 8, 2016 u 12:47 PDT

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