FOTO: NAJSLAĐA TAJNA KOJU SU USPJEŠNO ČUVALI DEVET MJESECI Slavnom pjevaču i supruzi surogat majka rodila treće dijete: 'Bio je ovo jako težak put...'

Ayda Field i Robbie Williams
 Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Robbie Williams (44) i Ayda Field (39) u braku su od 2010. te imaju kćer Theodoru Rose (5) i sina Charltona Valentinea (3), a sad su dobili još jednu djevojčicu, koju im je rodila surogat majka, prenio je u petak britanski The Mirror.

Ayda, inače glumica, sretnu vijest objavila je na Instagramu, a otkrila je i da se djevojčica zove Colette (Coco) Josephine.

- Dugo smo čuvali ovu vrlo posebnu tajnu... Bio je to jako težak put, a predivnoj ženi, surogat majci, koja nam je rodila ovu prekrasnu malu damu, Robbie i ja bit ćemo zauvijek zahvalni... Ne možemo biti sretniji! - napisala je ponosna mama na društvenoj mreži.

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I spy with my little eye an extra little hand So we have been keeping a very special secret! We are delighted to share with you that we have had a baby girl….welcome to the world Colette (Coco) Josephine Williams!! It has been a very long and difficult path to get here, which is why we have kept it on the down low. Family comes in all forms, and this little lady, who is biologically ours, was carried by an incredible surrogate mother, to whom we will be eternally grateful. We are over the moon to have this beautiful baby girl in our lives and so blessed that we live in a world which makes this possible. As with Teddy and Charlie, we ask that you respect Coco’s privacy and allow us to grow into our new team of 5! #TeamWilliams

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05. listopad 2024 22:50