VIDEO: POKOSIO GA AUTOBUS, A ON SE MRTAV HLADAN USTAO I OTIŠAO NA PIVO Muškarac nevjerojatnom srećom izbjegao smrt, pogledajte snimku

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Nadzorna ulična kamera u engleskom gradu Readingu snimila je zastrašujući trenutak kad je muškarca na pločniku udario autobus nakon čega se on mirno ustao i ušetao u prvi pub.

Simon Smith (53) prelazio je cestu u subotu ujutro kad je odjednom dojurio autobus nad kojim je vozač u zavoju izgubio kontrolu, udario rasvjetni stup a onda i njega. Autobus se potom zaustavio desetak metara dalje, piše Daily Mail.

Nevjerojatnom srećom Smith je izbjegao teže ozljede, a odmah nakon udarca je ustao i ušao u pub Purple Turtle. Još nije poznato zašto je vozač izgubio kontrolu nad autobusom.

Smith je za BBC rekao da je sretan što je živ i iznenađen je činjenicom što je prošao samo s manjim ozljedama.

Vlasnik puba, Daniel Fraifeld (50), rekao je: ‘Mislim da je Simon ustao, otresao prljavštinu, a onda je došla hitna pomoć i odvela ga na pregled. Nije imao nikakvih ozbiljnijih ozljeda, ali je prekriven modricama i ogrebotinama. Mislim da je ušao u pub na pivu da se opusti.’

U nesreći je lakše ozlijeđena još jedna osoba, ulica je bila zatvorena dva sata, a policija još uvijek istražuje slučaj.

CCTV of the moment Simon Smith, 53, was thrown down the street when the runaway double decker careered onto the pavement and ploughed straight into him in Reading, Berkshire. See Masons copy MNALIVE: This is the moment a man miraculously survives being hit and almost run over by an out of control bus - before walking away almost completely unharmed. Simon Smith, 53, was thrown down the street when the runaway double decker careered onto the pavement and ploughed straight into him. The impact of his head hitting the windscreen shattered the glass, yet he got up from the pavement seconds later. Astonishing CCTV footage taken at the scene shows Simon calmly walking into a bar moments after the shocking incident., Image: 339374195, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: follow us on twitter - @swns
browse our website -
email, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SWNS
Profimedia, SWNS

CCTV of the moment Simon Smith, 53, was thrown down the street when the runaway double decker careered onto the pavement and ploughed straight into him in Reading, Berkshire. See Masons copy MNALIVE: This is the moment a man miraculously survives being hit and almost run over by an out of control bus - before walking away almost completely unharmed. Simon Smith, 53, was thrown down the street when the runaway double decker careered onto the pavement and ploughed straight into him. The impact of his head hitting the windscreen shattered the glass, yet he got up from the pavement seconds later. Astonishing CCTV footage taken at the scene shows Simon calmly walking into a bar moments after the shocking incident., Image: 339374198, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: follow us on twitter - @swns
browse our website -
email, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SWNS
Profimedia, SWNS

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04. listopad 2024 20:50