Profimedia, FIA
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Zaobljeni trbuščić potaknuo šuškanja: Slavni glumac i supruga očekuju petu bebu?

Slavni glumac već je otac četvero djece i svima je poznato da mu je uz vjeru obitelj najvažnija stvar na svijetu. U nekoliko navrata govorio je da mašta o velikoj obitelji, a čini se da je sa suprugom radio na tome jer su sve glasnija šuškanja da njegova odabranica nosi peto dijete.

Glumac Mark Wahlberg (48) i supruga Rhea Durham (40) roditelji su 15-godišnjoj Elli, 12-godišnjem Michaelu, 10-godišnjem Brendanu i 8-godišnjoj Grace, a možda je i peto dijete na putu. Par je u braku posljednjih deset godina, a kako pišu strani mediji, njihove posljednje fotografije daju naslutiti da je Rhea možda u drugom stanju.

Najviše pomutnje izazvao je njezin zaobljeni trbuščić koji se nadzire ispod sive široke sportske majice. Posvećeni fitnessu i redovnom treniranju, glumac i supruga krenuli su zajedno u teretanu, a po putu nisu mogli izbjeći znatiželjne paparazze na koje se i nisu toliko obazirali.

FIA PREMIUM Exclu! ***NO USE W/O PRIOR AGREEMENT - CALL FOR PRICING*** Mark Wahlberg’s wife, Rhea Durham, might be pregnant with their fifth child! The actor and his wife have been spotted on their way to the gym and Rhea was “sporting a very round belly”! Earlier this month, Mark Wahlberg celebrated his 40th birthday and the fitness-focused actor also recently bought a minority stake in the Australian fitness franchise F45 Training... Rhea looked lovely in her workout clothes, highlighting her bump under a large grey shirt paired with a Yellow Yves Saint Laurent Purse...  06/27/19  ***NO USE W/O PRIOR AGREEMENT - CALL FOR PRICING***

PREMIUM, Image: 452093294, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, FIA
Profimedia, FIA

Mark i Rhea i s četvero djece, kako je rekao jednom prilikom "imaju pune ruke posla", a osobito zbog tinejdžerke Elle. "Teško je i ona ima jake stavove, no ljudi kažu da nakon što to razdoblje prođe, sve ti se to vrati na dobro", komentirao je za magazin People Mark prije godinu dana.

Uz veliku obitelj, posvećen je i vjeri te svoj dan koji počinje već oko 3 ujutro kreće s molitvom. "Moja usredotočenost na vjeru i obitelj omogućile su mi da postignem toliko toga u životu. Ništa nije važnije od vjere i obitelji", rekao je jednom prilikom glumac i producent poznat po ulogama u filmovima "Ted", "Transformeri" i "Pokojni". O petoj trudnoći njegove supruge nagađalo se i 2018. godine, no tada su se te informacije pokazale netočnima. Je li ovoga puta dijete zaista na putu, pokazat će vrijeme.

FIA PREMIUM Exclu! ***NO USE W/O PRIOR AGREEMENT - CALL FOR PRICING*** Mark Wahlberg’s wife, Rhea Durham, might be pregnant with their fifth child! The actor and his wife have been spotted on their way to the gym and Rhea was “sporting a very round belly”! Earlier this month, Mark Wahlberg celebrated his 40th birthday and the fitness-focused actor also recently bought a minority stake in the Australian fitness franchise F45 Training... Rhea looked lovely in her workout clothes, highlighting her bump under a large grey shirt paired with a Yellow Yves Saint Laurent Purse...  06/27/19  ***NO USE W/O PRIOR AGREEMENT - CALL FOR PRICING***

PREMIUM, Image: 452093330, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, FIA
Profimedia, FIA

FIA PREMIUM Exclu! ***NO USE W/O PRIOR AGREEMENT - CALL FOR PRICING*** Mark Wahlberg’s wife, Rhea Durham, might be pregnant with their fifth child! The actor and his wife have been spotted on their way to the gym and Rhea was “sporting a very round belly”! Earlier this month, Mark Wahlberg celebrated his 40th birthday and the fitness-focused actor also recently bought a minority stake in the Australian fitness franchise F45 Training... Rhea looked lovely in her workout clothes, highlighting her bump under a large grey shirt paired with a Yellow Yves Saint Laurent Purse...  06/27/19  ***NO USE W/O PRIOR AGREEMENT - CALL FOR PRICING***

PREMIUM, Image: 452093275, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, FIA
Profimedia, FIA

24. travanj 2024 05:01