Tužni rastanci

Susreti bivših supružnika završavaju mučno: Tata odlazi, djeca plaču

Iako su njih dvoje svoj brak uspjeli privesti kraju u prijateljstvu i uzajamnoj podršci, njihovoj djeci i dalje teško padaju rastanci pa ponekad čak i puste suzu.

Iako su njih dvoje svoj brak uspjeli privesti kraju u prijateljstvu i uzajamnoj podršci, njihovoj djeci i dalje teško padaju rastanci pa ponekad čak i puste suzu.

Jedan od holivudskih parova koji i nakon razvoda ima dobar odnos su Jennifer Garner i Ben Affleck, bivši par koji nerijetko može biti viđen zajedno, a sve jer imaju troje djece: Violet (13), Samuela (6) i Seraphinu (10). Iako se često obiteljski druže, a gotovo svake nedjelje odlaze u crkvu, klincima još uvijek teško padne kada se moraju pozdraviti s ocem. Tako je ovog puta rastanak teško podnijela 10-godišnja Seraphina koja je posebno vezana uz oca i često provodi vrijeme s njim. Kao i svaki put kad se moraju razdvojiti, Ben ju je otpratio s poljupcem, dok je maleni Samuel demonstrativno odšetao prema automobilu.

Sunday, January 20, 2019 - Co-parents Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner share an intense conversation as they leave Sunday Services after attending with their three children in Pacific Palisades, CA. The 'Argo' star shares a tender moment with daughter Seraphina as he leaves solo in his Range Rover, headed to pick up some coffee at Starbucks. X17online.com

Sunday, January 20, 2019 - Co-parents Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner share an intense conversation as they leave Sunday Services after attending with their three children in Pacific Palisades, CA. The 'Argo' star shares a tender moment with daughter Seraphina as he leaves solo in his Range Rover, headed to pick up some coffee at Starbucks. X17online.com

Sunday, January 20, 2019 - Co-parents Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner share an intense conversation as they leave Sunday Services after attending with their three children in Pacific Palisades, CA. The 'Argo' star shares a tender moment with daughter Seraphina as he leaves solo in his Range Rover, headed to pick up some coffee at Starbucks. X17online.com

I dok se djeca još uvijek privikavaju na drugačije funkcioniranje obitelji, glumica Jennifer Garner sretna je i zadovoljna nakon finaliziranja razvoda u listopadu prošle godine.

- U 2018. sam zahvalna na prijateljstvu, zdravlju i rastu, iako bolnome. Posebno sam zahvalna na svojoj djeci i obitelji. Može isto i ove godine, za sve nas - napisala je na Novu godinu 46-godišnja glumica, kojoj kaosa prošle godine nije nedostajalo. Uz privođenje razvoda kraju, Jennifer je bila slamka spasa za svojeg bivšeg supruga koji je krajem godine pokleknuo pred ovisnošću o alkoholu. Ona je organizirala intervenciju i odvela ga u rehabilitacijski centar nakon što je nekoliko dana vrlo javno pokazivao da se vratio starim problemima.

Sunday, January 20, 2019 - Co-parents Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner share an intense conversation as they leave Sunday Services after attending with their three children in Pacific Palisades, CA. The 'Argo' star shares a tender moment with daughter Seraphina as he leaves solo in his Range Rover, headed to pick up some coffee at Starbucks. X17online.com

Sunday, January 20, 2019 - Co-parents Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner share an intense conversation as they leave Sunday Services after attending with their three children in Pacific Palisades, CA. The 'Argo' star shares a tender moment with daughter Seraphina as he leaves solo in his Range Rover, headed to pick up some coffee at Starbucks. X17online.com

Sunday, January 20, 2019 - Co-parents Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner share an intense conversation as they leave Sunday Services after attending with their three children in Pacific Palisades, CA. The 'Argo' star shares a tender moment with daughter Seraphina as he leaves solo in his Range Rover, headed to pick up some coffee at Starbucks. X17online.com

Ipak, 2018. neće pamtiti samo po lošim stvarima: ta godina donijela joj je i novu ljubav, poduzetnika Johna Millera s kojim je nedavno uhvaćena na romantičnoj večeri.

26. travanj 2024 09:11