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Sjećate li se nje? Gledali smo je u sapunici, a danas je prva dama Meksika

Glamuroznoj prvoj dami Meksika ne treba suprugova slava - bila je jedna od najpoznatijih glumica iz sapunica, zbog čega je tisak i danas zove 'La Gaviota'.

Trump ima Melaniju, Macron Brigitte, a Enrique Peña Nieto, predsjednik Meksika, zgodnu Angelicu zbog koje je narodu još draži.

Prva dama Meksika glamurozna je 48-godišnjakinja koja je rodnu zemlju osvojila davno prije no što se u nju zagledao danas slavni političar, a na malim ekranima gledali su je i mnogi Hrvati.

MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 09:  Mexican President's wife Angelica Rivera poses for the photographers before the Gala Dinner in honour of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto at The Royal Palace on June 9, 2014 in Madrid, Spain.  (Photo by Abraham Carralero/Pool/Getty Images)
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Angélica Rivera rođena je u skromnoj meksičkoj obitelji sa sedmero djece, a već je kao djevojka od 17 godina počela glumiti u reklamama i tv serijama. Strašću i ljepotom oduševila je producente koji su joj rado davali uloge u svojim projektima, a jednom od njezinih najzapaženijih serija smatra se "Opijeni ljubavlju", u kojoj je glumila siromašnu djevojku Gaviotu koja se zaljubila u bogatog nasljednika.

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Zbog te serije, koja je s emitiranjem završila 2007. godine, Angelicu meksički tisak i dalje zove 'La Gaviota', u prijevodu - 'Golubica', a i bez suprugove slave živjela je sasvim dobro jer u dugogodišnjoj karijeri na televiziji zaradila milijune, piše Celebrity Net Worth.

King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima with The President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto and his wife, Angelica Rivera de Pena during the offical visit of the President of Mexico to the Netherlands. The President and his wife are received by the King and Queen of the Netherlands at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague for a welcome ceremony, followed by an audience
Pictured: King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima with The President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto and his wife, Angelica Rivera de Pena during the offical visit of the President of Mexico to the Netherlands. The President and his wife are received by the King and Queen of the Netherlands at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague for a welcome ceremony, followed by an audience
<B>Ref: SPL1687448  250418  </B><BR/>
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Angelica je godinama bila u braku s producentom Joséom Albertom Castrom, s kojim ima tri kćerkice, a dvije godien nakon razvoda, zaljubila se u tada perspektivnog političara Enriquea. Par se vjenčao 2010. godine, a popularna Angelica objavila je kako se povlači iz glume, kako bi se posvetila braku i ulozi majke.

2012. Enrique je postao 57. predsjednik Meksika, a mnogi i dan danas zgodnu Angélicu smatraju jednom od njegovih najvećih snaga premda su je na samom početku kritizirali zbog nedostatka manira i upitnog stila za modu.

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 03:   Queen Elizabeth II (L) and  Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (R) pose for a photograph with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (2nd L) and his wife Angelica Rivera (2nd R), before a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace on March 3, 2015 in London, England. The President of Mexico, accompanied by Senora Angelica Rivera de Pena, are on a State Visit to the United Kingdom as the guests of Her Majesty The Queen from Tuesday 3rd March to Thursday 5th March.  (Photo by Justin Tallis - WPA Pool /Getty Images)
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Inače, 51-godišnji meksički predsjednik miljenik je žena, premda se u prvom braku nije iskazao. Suprugu Monicu, s kojom je u braku bio od 1993. do 2007. godine, i koja mu je rodila troje djece, nekoliko je puta prevario, a čak su dvije njegove ljubavnice ostale trudne. Monica je umrla nakon epileptičkog napada, no njegovi suparnici tvrde da je svijet napustila u sumnjivim okolnostima.

Brak Enriquea i Angelice čini se puno stabilnijim, a premda nemaju ni jedno zajedničko dijete, njihova je kuća uvijek puna.

MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 09:  Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (C) and wife Angelica Rivera (L) are received by Princess Letizia of Spain (R) for a lunch at Zarzuela Palace on June 9, 2014 in Madrid, Spain.  (Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)
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Par često leti u goste uglednicima diljem svijeta, a ovaj su tjedan rezervirali za posjet Hagu gdje su ih spremno dočekali kralj Willem Alexander i kraljica Maxima.

King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima with The President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto and his wife, Angelica Rivera de Pena during the offical visit of the President of Mexico to the Netherlands. The President and his wife are received by the King and Queen of the Netherlands at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague for a welcome ceremony, followed by an audience
Pictured: King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima with The President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto and his wife, Angelica Rivera de Pena during the offical visit of the President of Mexico to the Netherlands. The President and his wife are received by the King and Queen of the Netherlands at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague for a welcome ceremony, followed by an audience
<B>Ref: SPL1687448  250418  </B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
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London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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Meksički predsjednik i supruga u gostima kod kralja Willema Alexandera i kraljice Maxime

07. travanj 2024 06:58