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Bježi od crvenog tepiha: Zbog nove ljubavne sreće Jennifer Garner blista i u kućnom izdanju

Instagram objava Jennifer Garner dokazuje da glumica nakon silnih peripetija uživa u skladnom ljubavnom životu s novim partnerom i obožava subote provoditi kod kuće.

Glumac Ben Affleck i glumica Jennifer Garner (46) odlučili su se razvesti nakon deset godina braka. Bračnom paru koji ima troje djece presudili su njegova ovisnost o alkoholu, ali i nevjera. Ipak, trebale su im tri godine da predaju papire za razvod, a nakon toga godina dana da i službeno postali bivši supružnici. Mnogi su mislili kako je Jennifer ubrzala proces zbog Benovog ponovnog odavanja alkoholu, ali čini se kako je presudila njezina nova ljubav.

Glumica nakon raznih turbulencija uživa u romansi s poduzetnikom Johnom Millerom (40). Ljubavni par proveo je subotu navečer prije Super Bowla pripremajući večeru, a Jennifer je s pratiteljima podijelila i recept za piletinu.

Los Angeles, CA  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - It’s Finally her turn at happiness! Jennifer Garner appears over the moon as she arrives for a date night with boyfriend John Miller. Jen quickly wrapped her arms around John and gave him a sweet hug and kiss. Garner got a little frisky at one point playfully sliding her hand across John’s leg and grabbing his crotch as she walked past him.  Jen who finalized her divorce from Ben Affleck just a few months ago has appeared to put Ben and their three children first at all cost. But it looks like the  It looks like the 46 year old “Love Simon’' star  is finally putting her happiness first. Shot on 12/22/18.

Pictured: Jennifer Garner, John Miller

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'Jennifer je presretna', rekao je izvor Hollywood Lifeu. 'Najviše joj se sviđa to što on nije iz svijeta filma. Uživa u privatnosti i to što nisu u fokusu. Napokon je našla normalnog frajera i normalnu vezu.'
Strasti kod novopečenog para ne nedostaje, a glasine da su u vezi započele su u proljeće 2018. Većinu vremena provodili su u njezinom domu koji vrijedi 17.6 milijuna dolara.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Super Bowl ! If you’re looking to feed a crowd, to make it hearty (AND sneakily keep it healthy ) may I humbly recommend Birthday Girl @inagarten’s CHICKEN CHILI from #BarefootParties. For an easy vegan version—add a drained can of black beans instead of chicken at the end—yum! The final delicious product is on IGTV. #PretendCookingShow #superbowlsnack #happybirthdayina! . #InaGarten’s Chicken Chili Ingredients: 8 cups chopped yellow onions (6 onions) 1/4 cup good olive oil, plus extra for chicken 1/4 cup minced garlic (8 cloves) 4 red bell peppers, cored seeded and large diced 4 yellow peppers, same 2 tsp chili powder 2 tsp ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 4 tsp kosher salt, plus more for chicken 4 28oz cans whole peeled plum tomatoes in puree, undrained 1/2 cup minced fresh basil leaves 8 split chicken breasts, bone in skin on Freshly ground black pepper For serving: chopped onions, corn chips, grated cheddar, sour cream . Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Rub the chicken breasts with olive oil and place them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. 3. Roast the chicken for 35-40 mins, until just cooked. Let cool slightly. While simultaneously… 4. Cook the onions in the oil over medium-low heat for 10-15 minutes, until translucent. Add the garlic and cook for 1 more minute. 5. Add the bell peppers, chili powder, cumin, red pepper flakes, cayenne, and salt. Cook for 1 minute. 6. Crush the tomatoes by hand or in batches in a food processor fitted with a steel blade (pulse 6-8 times). Add to the pot with the basil. (I forgot this ) 7. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 8. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and skin and cut into 3/4inch chunks. 9. Add to the chili and simmer, uncovered, for another 20 minutes. Serve with toppings, or refrigerate and reheat gently before serving. 10. Yum.

Objavu dijeli Jennifer Garner (@jennifer.garner)

Garner i Afflecka razišli su se 2015., ali su finalizirali razvod u desetom mjesecu 2018. Razvod iza sebe ima i Miller koji iz bivšeg braka ima dvoje djece; Violet i Questa, dok Jennifer s Benom ima troje djece: Violet (13), Seraphinu (10) i Samuela (6).

18. travanj 2024 20:20