Profimedia, INSTAR Images
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Non-stop su paparazzi za petama slavnoj glumici Diane Kruger i njezinom glumačkom kolegi i partneru Normanu Reedusu i tek su nakon gotovo šest mjeseci uspjeli fotografirati njihovu bebicu. Njihovi su obožavatelji jedva dočekali snimke!

Glumica Diane Kruger (42) i njezin partner, glumac Norman Reedus (50), roditelji su postali u studenom prošle godine. Paparazzi su ih zimus znali uhvatiti u zajedničkim šetnjama s mezimicom, no bebica je uvijek bila toplo zabundana i sve do sada nisu uspjeli snimiti djevojčicu.

New York, NY  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Diane Kruger out with her baby in SoHo. Mommy styled a long pink coat, black dress and tights while baby threw on a yellow hoodie.

Pictured: Diane Kruger 

BACKGRID USA 20 APRIL 2019, Image: 427308035, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

I dok je tata Norman zaokupljen novim projektom, slavna mama, porijeklom Njemica, u posljednje vrijeme najčešće izlazi sama s kćerkicom koju redovito vozi u kolicima. I dok se u njezinom ormaru uvijek nađe trendi krpica pa i u najnapetijim trenucima koji prethode izlasku iz stana s bebom uspijeva ugrabiti koji komad stajlinga za zadivljene poglede, nije joj previše stalo do frizure i šminke.

New York, NY  - Diane Kruger has her hands full while carrying a baby stroller by herself. Diane looks frustrated with the heavy load as she is seen lugging the stroller down her steps.

Pictured: Diane Kruger

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 425633650, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Neko vrijeme u Hollywwodu nije bilo popularno odgajati djecu bez ikakve pomoći dadilje, no Diane je odlučila sve lijepe i teže strane roditeljstva obavljati sama. Tako sama s malenom odlazi u šetnje, sastavlja i rastavlja kolica i nosi ih po stepenicama do ulaza u kuću, a obavlja i kupovinu.

New York, NY  - Diane Kruger has her hands full while carrying a baby stroller by herself. Diane looks frustrated with the heavy load as she is seen lugging the stroller down her steps.

Pictured: Diane Kruger

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 425633655, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

No, i kad je teško, na licu joj sjaji sreća i jasno je da ju je majčinstvo, koje je iskusila u 42. godini života, neizmjerno ispunilo. Za nju su posljednje tri i pol godine iznimno sretne jer je upravo u Normanu Reedusu pronašla zbiljsku sreću. Prije njega je pet godina, od 2001, bila u braku s francuskim glumcem Guillaumeom Canetom, a potom u dugoj vezi s glumcem Joshuom Jacksonom.

Exclusive-New York, NY - 20190412-Diane Kruger Takes a Face Time Call While out Walking With her Baby Girl

-PICTURED: Diane Kruger With Daughter (in Stroller)
-, Image: 425965384, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, INSTAR Images
Profimedia, INSTAR Images

Exclusive-New York, NY - 20190412-Diane Kruger Takes a Face Time Call While out Walking With her Baby Girl

-PICTURED: Diane Kruger With Daughter (in Stroller)
-, Image: 425965483, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Exclusive, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, INSTAR Images
Profimedia, INSTAR Images

Napokon su paparazzi uspjeli snimiti i preslatku kćerkicu slavnog para:

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN GERMANY ** New York, Ny  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - First photos of Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus' daughter! The couple's first child together could be seen in a stroller, which her nanny was pushing, while Diane went by herself in different direction. Diane was shopping at the Chloe store in Soho, then she walked all the way to Tribeca while enjoying a beautiful Spring afternoon. **PHOTOS SHOT 04/11/2019**

Pictured: Diane Kruger

BACKGRID USA 15 APRIL 2019, Image: 426268499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

I dok je za Diane ovo prvo dijete, Reedus je tu iskusniji - s manekenkom Helenom Christensen ima sina Mingusa, 19-godišnjaka.

EXCLUSIVE: Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus are spotted running home errands. The couple bought flowers for their home, as well as groceries, and picked up clothes from dry cleaners.  As Norman brought their baby inside the house, Diane seen struggling to open the gate, and dropped a bag of veggie chips which she was trying to pick up.
05 Feb 2019, Image: 412246398, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

New York, NY  - Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus are seen out with their baby on Easter Sunday. The duo look casual as they enjoy their Easter morning stroll.

Pictured: Diane Kruger, Norman Reedus

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 427350939, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

19. travanj 2024 04:50