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Izašla u šetnju: Bolest glumice je uzela maha, ali se bori

Bio je to kolovoz 2018. kad je glumica Selma Blair saznala da boluje od multiple skleroze. Tri mjeseca kasnije, svoju je bol podijelila s javnošću. Do danas se hrabro nosi sa svih poteškoćama koje bolest nosi.

Selma Blair, 46-godišnja glumica rođena u Michiganu, s ozbiljnom se dijagnozom kronične upalne bolesti središnjega živčanog sustava nosi kako zna i umije - prolazi bolja i teža razdoblja, no ostala je fizički i mentalno vrlo aktivna. Često je se može vidjeti u šetnjama gradom, kada nerijetko za ruku čvrsto steže sedmogodišnjeg sinčića Arthura Sainta. Upravo njemu je, priznala je u jednom od iskrenih intervjua koje je dala za medije, bilo najteže reći tešku vijest. 'Prvo me pitao hoću li od toga umrijeti', rekla je u emisiji Good Morning America, i nastavila: 'Odgovorila sam mu da nikad ne znamo od čega ćemo umrijeti, ali ja od ove bolesti sigurno neću'.

I na društvenim mrežama glumica sa svojim pratiteljima često podijeli kakvu crticu iz svog života, a oni joj šalju riječi podrške i bodre je da ustraje u liječenju. U svibnju će na gala događanju 'Race To Erase MS' u Los Angelesu primiti i priznanje za 'hrabrost i snagu', a organizatorica je multimilijunašica Nancy Davis koja također boluje od te teške bolesti.

Da zaslužuje priznanje, Selma Blair je dokazala je i kada su je u petak na ulicama grada uhvatili paparazzi: hodala je oslanjajući se o štap koji je postao dio njezine svakodnevice, u prekrasnoj proljetnoj haljini i ravnim sandalama i unatoč otežanom hodu, te se trudila zadržati osmijeh na licu.

Los Angeles, CA  - Selma Blair still has her sense of humor regardless of her MS.  Selma was seen out running a few errand and for fun she lift her dress like she did on the red carpet for a laugh.

Pictured: Selma Blair

BACKGRID USA 11 APRIL 2019, Image: 425842767, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Los Angeles, CA  - Selma Blair seen after some pamper time at Bungalow salon on Thursday.  She was a little bummed she could not find parking close to Alfred coffee as she heading to the salon.  The photographer who she is familiar with went above and beyond and got her coffee for her.  She was all smiles and said she felt normal getting to go to the salon and getting her coffee.  She was stopped by a stranger who went to the same college as she and they sang their school fight song!  She had a good time before heading off.

Pictured: Selma Blair

BACKGRID USA 11 APRIL 2019, Image: 425852775, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Los Angeles, CA  - Selma Blair seen after some pamper time at Bungalow salon on Thursday.  She was a little bummed she could not find parking close to Alfred coffee as she heading to the salon.  The photographer who she is familiar with went above and beyond and got her coffee for her.  She was all smiles and said she felt normal getting to go to the salon and getting her coffee.  She was stopped by a stranger who went to the same college as she and they sang their school fight song!  She had a good time before heading off.

Pictured: Selma Blair

BACKGRID USA 11 APRIL 2019, Image: 425852785, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Sa sinom Arthurom kojeg je dobila u nakon kratke i neuspjele veze s modnim dizajnerom Jasonom Bleickom:

Los Angeles, CA  - Selma Blair seen carrying her son after picking up food on a rainy Saturday. Selma, who is suffering from MS, looks stronger and is full of life regardless. She hands her cane to partner, David Price, and lifts up her son before putting him down and kissing him goodbye. In an interview with Vanity Fair, the “Legally Blonde” star said she’s been dealing with a host of strange ailments for nearly five years, before undergoing an MRI last summer and discovering the autoimmune disease.

Pictured: Selma Blair

BACKGRID USA 2 MARCH 2019, Image: 416931383, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

20. travanj 2024 02:39